ETD Dog Training was founded in 2021, however the process of creating ETD Dog Training has been in the works since 2016. My dream of starting ETDDT began in 2016 while I was working in VetMed. Working in VetMed allowed me to see a large variety of dogs that all had differing temperaments, but they all had the same issue, they did not know how to navigate throughout life. Most of the dogs I would see were extremely anxious to be anywhere besides home, and for some the veterinary prescribed medications were not enough. Seeing dogs in such a poor mental state got me thinking, there had to be a better way to prepare dogs to live in a man made world. In early 2017 I got my first personal dog Emerson, the namesake of this company, and we had a plethora of issues to work on. He developed reactivity, he was unruly on leash and had no respect for me or any words that came out of my mouth. I recognized early on that I would need help and worked with four different trainers to no avail. It was not until I met the fifth trainer who worked with us on building our relationship and engagement where I saw improvement in our daily lives. Since then I have no stopped digesting as much information as I can on dog behaviors and different training styles in the form of books, blogs, podcasts and seminars. My goal with ETDDT is to help give as many people a productive and happy life with their pets.